Lightsail VPS Provider Review

(Visit Lightsail)

Lightsail is a simplified offerring of cloud servers provided by Amazon Web Services.

It is primarily aimed at developers and admins who want a simplified way to deploy and mange servers instead of using EC2.


Snapshots yes
Custom ISOs no
Startup Scripts yes
SSH Keys yes
Backups yes
Block Storage yes
Object Storage yes
Public API no
Teams yes
DNS yes
Reserved Ips yes
Firewall yes
Private Networking no
Load Balancers yes
Managed Databases yes
Server Monitoring no


Name CPUs RAM DISK Bandwidth Price (USD)
8GB 2 vCPU 6 GB 160 GB 5000 GB $40.00
4GB 2 vCPU 4 GB 80 GB 4000 GB $20.00
2GB 1 vCPU 2 GB 60 GB 3000 GB $10.00
1GB 1 vCPU 1 GB 40 GB 2000 GB $5.00
512MB 1 vCPU 0.5 GB 20 GB 1000 GB $3.50